Breakfast to inspire and nourish

Breakfast to inspire and nourish

This month’s taste teaser to inspire and nourish is from Wellness with Swati and is enriched with our versatile Probiotic+ BASE Powder.

Chia Breakfast Pudding

This breakfast is a perfect combination of fat + protein + fibre + probiotic to keep you satiated for longer and nurture good gut health.


  • 2 tablespoon chia seeds
  • ¼ cup full fat coconut milk
  • ¼ cup unsweetened coconut milk
  • 1 teaspoon Akesi Probiotic+ BASE Powder Pinch of sea salt


  • 1 to 1.5 tablespoons of your favourite nut mix or grain free granola (we love The Whole Kitchen’s selection)
  • ¼ cup berries


Combine the chia seeds, full fat coconut milk, coconut milk, Probiotic+ BASE and pinch of sea salt. Leave to rest for at least 30 mins, stirring occasionally or pop in your fridge overnight. Decorate with your choice of berries and nuts.

Serves 1 person. Enjoy!

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